Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Fixing the "Task Sequence is locked" issue

Sometimes you'll edit a Task Sequence and either the console crashes, site goes down, or the TS is in use by another SCCM admin (but may not actually be in use anymore).

The normal solution is to wait 30 minutes after the TS is no longer in use and the lock will clear itself.  This doesn't always happen, and when it doesn't, this SQL query may prove to be useful:

SELECT * FROM SEDO_LockState WHERE AssignedUser = 'domain\username'
This query assumes you know the domain\username of the offending user who's no longer editing the TS.  If you don't know which user is, you can just run a simpler version - but be prepared to sift through a lot more info:


Once you find the culprit record, run the query below to delete it:

DELETE FROM SEDO.LockState where ID = '555'
Replace 555 above with the actual number returned in the ID column of the record.

NOTE: I take no responsibility for deleted records due to misused queries.  Use at your own risk.  😀

1 comment:

  1. Powershell will do the trick! For instance: Unlock-CMObject -InputObject (Get-CMBootImage -id "PackageID") -Force. This is officially the supported way since the cmdlets were released back in in ConfigMgr 2012 SP1.
